Abddel Mohabir has lately outran all of the cars on the upcoming “GT callouts” event in a friendly test race

Abddel Mohabir who piloted his horse kart last sunday at the south dakota circuit,challenged some of the racers to a friendly race while they were testing out their drag machines,Abddel’s horse kart features a 1 horse power per step to the hoof horse with Vtec,outran few racers some to be mentioned are Imran Khan,Shridat Singh,Shawn Singh,Sean Charles and The whole LLF team with some outstanding times!,Abddel would like to put his Horse Kart and Skill to the test by racing Team Mohammeds “Goliath GTR” and Shawn Persaud’s Caldina one day.But as of today he is the undisputed champion of the racing series dubbed “GT callouts” and he is looking forward for more competitive racers and machine’s next meet!