Acussed of tickiling guinea pigs buttholes

Her name is Tiana Couillard, lives in Green Bay WI. Just over 18years. She will be charged with sexual harassment and 1 felony.
How all this started from the Witness which is her Ex Boyfriend. “Once upon a time Tiana and I were roaming around Green Bay and decided to go to Petco. And yeah we went to to see the fishies and ugly mice and stuff and then we saw two guinea pigs and she got all hypes so we adopted them and we had them for about 1 month and i noticed she was really attached to them because ofcourse she wanst paying attention to me. So on thursday of Last week, i woke up around 2:50 am for work and noticed she wasn’t laying next to me, so i went to check the living room there she was tickiling my little footballs and thats i got. sad story they will be forever traumatized..”
And that right there is all the details i have at this moment. Ill be up to date later on today with more details.