Akron family featured in People Magazine

The Skeggs family of Akron, OH have been selected by People Magazine to be featured in the July 2017 issue for a special article titled Gingers In America. The article will talk about the decline in the number of red heads in America since 1980. The Skaggs family have done their part in keeping red heads from going extinct by uniting in marriage July 2, 2005 and starting a family of gingers. The family recently even owned a red PT Cruiser to round out their love of red. The Skeggs children are adorable and when asked about his reaction to People wanting to feature his family in their publication, Dad Aaron Skeggs, a teacher in the Akron Springfield School District said “I love the fact we will be featured, but I felt guilty as my red hair is gone from my head, so I grew my beard out so I would look right in the pictures”. To that, No. Jennifer Skeggs replied ” Stupid Red Beard!”