Amy soldier saves hundreds from burning building while belting out Italian opera in perfect pitch.

A local area Army NCO known to friends and family as SGT Sixsmith noticed flames 🔥 coming from the BOK center in downtown Tulsa. With an unbelievable sense of Loyalty to the civilians he serves he took his sense of Duty to new heights in that perilous skyscraper. Respecting the oath he swore to defend the US people, he Selflessly braved heat and flame, bringing Honor to his branch of service this day. Swiftly scaling the stairwell over and over, he rescued hundreds of lives and dozens of domesticated animals. And as a matter of Integrity and Personal Courage, he scaled the building one last time before it collapsed in order to save a rodent infestation from certain death. Not satisfied with these efforts, SGT Sixsmith was last seen entering the building uttering the words, “I regret that I have but one life to give for Jenn’s goldfish on the 18th floor” as the building engulfed him in rubble and smoke.
A traditional Scottish funeral will be held for this man of English and German descent at whatever stone church is located near a pub this Saturday at noon.
BYOB (Bring Your Own Bagpipes)

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