Andrew Jones wanted for prostitution

Andrew Jones 28, or Ace as he is known on the streets is wanted for questioning for prostitution. There is a public health concern here and it needs to be addressed. He is known to hang on the front porch of 114 merriman ave,against his girlfriends wishes due to the unsavory characters that frequent the porch. If you see this suspect please do not try and entice him with a cigarette, do not approach him without back up. He is rumored to be 6’4 With dark eyes a huge nose and unruly hair which was a result of a childhood accident involving his penis and electricity. He has a kinda over creamered coffee kinda complexion with a massive pair of hands and a matching bottom lip. Show this sweet talker no mercy or green. Call 911 or in an extreme Emergency call his baby moms cause she will fuck his whole show up. Lmmfao!!!! Sike!!!!