Arkansas Native, being recognized in the international gaming community, specifically the MMO Eve Online, as the international space mogul and economic mastermind of the gaming universe.

Donavon McCart, 28, Springfield Missouri is one of Arkansas’s own and from small town beginnings is about to be thrown into the international spot light. Donavon started his reputation as the alter ego Constitou where he became a economic scammer stealing billions of ISK (the online gaming currency) from unsuspecting partakers in raffles, and “games of chance”.

In an interview, Donavon AKA Constituo acted surprised at the news he was being recognized in Eve Online in EVE Vegas as the richest individual in the game. He said, “Wow, I knew I was wealthy but the most wealthy, I never knew. After the likes of Lenny Kravits and Iron Bank, I thought I was small time.”

CCP Ghost form Iceland said, “It is our pleasure to name Donavon for this award and this helps bring people the the realization that you don’t have to make a third party website or resort to gambling to make it big in EVE Online. Mr. Irish made it an honest way, well an honest way as within the rules of the EULA and the community doesn’t even know who he is, that is about to change.

Donavon and his multiple alter egos have an accumulated wealth of 233,106,000,000,000 and will be recognized as EVE Online’s richest player early October 2017 in Las Vegas.