BREAKING: Trump Sends Aircraft Carrier to Pacific, Ready To Strike North Korea

White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, announced in his Friday afternoon press conference that President Trump will be deploying the USS Arizona to the shores of North Korea this weekend.

Spicer commented that President Trump has exhausted all other options to halt the rising threats from North Korean dictator, Kim Jong Un.

“The President will be sending the USS Arizona east to engage in a targeted military strike against the North Korean regime,” Spicer was quoted as saying. “The action will be quick and decisive, to take out Kim Jong Un’s nuclear weapons.”

The airstrike will hit 20 miles outside of the North Korean capitol of Pyongyang, where the North Koreans are believed to be housing their nuclear weapon depository.

President Trump’s military strike comes almost three weeks after dropping an MOAB on the Assad regime in Syria.

Channel 23 News will keep you updating on this story as more is known.