Can Dating a Trucker really make you a better Gamer?

A recent study conducted by the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology says that being in a relationship with a truck driver can improve your cognitive function thus making you better at academics and Video Games.

Not only has it been widely known that being in a relationship with a trucker can make you a happier person, but studies now suggests they can make you smarter and more successful.

Not only are truck drivers better at being intimate satisfying companions, they can also improve you ability for quick thinking, hand eye coordination, and retention for knowledge learned from reading.

Alberto Posso from the institute says that this correlation was noticed when studying 214 couples. 48 of which were in a relationship with someone in the transportation industry. Each of those 48 couple were able to complete various Video games and Read Certain books must quicker than their non-Mobile careered counterparts. With an information retention rating that of 31% higher than that of everyone else in the study.

Those rates increased by 72% and the girls name started with a F. Such as Felicia and… other girl names that start with F. And yet higher to 82% if she had really short arms.