Cannibalism in Mauritius – Mauritius Prime Minister Jugnauth Indulges in Human Consumption

Some very troubling news has been trickling down from the small island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean – cannibalism is being declared as being acceptable nationwide.

Cannibalism, the process of consumption of human flesh, is frowned upon by most in the civilized world. However, certain tribes and ethnic chiefs still involve in this practice in remote island nations such as New Guinea and Samoa Islands. However, the practice has just recently come to light in slightly more developed Mauritius.

The prime minister of the island, Mr. Pravind Jugnauth, is himself a cannibal, as reported by ION News. He is reported to having said that he regularly eats his opponents when they distort the truth about his private life.

One such person, whose name has now been erased from country-wide databases, has been known to have been cut into pieces in “a kitchen”. The unknown John Doe reportedly said in public that the wife of the Jugnauth is a druggie who smokes cannabis and illegally procures same for the couple’s daughters. The person no longer exists now, and could not be contacted by Channel 23 News for corroboration.

Cannibalism is sometimes a psychological response to a catastrophic event in a person’s life – death of close relatives, seeing someone being eaten by sharks, sexual abuse and being the recipient of unwanted sexual advances; these are all possible causes of this disease.

It has been reported that the prime minister was recently the victim of an abuse incident where his hand and other parts was licked against his will.

Channel 23 News has not been able to corroborate this story because all victims no longer exist, and are supposed to have been cannibalized.