Chambersburg student caught in scene of murdering

Thursday, April 28th at 5:00pm Officers got a report of a video surveillance camera catching the act of a murder in the boys restroom.

What’s more disturbing? The fact that there’s a camera in the restroom or that there was a murder case.

Officials say the principal at Chambersburg Area School District was after school catching up on the latest footage of his students on their surveillance cam’s. When he skipped to the restroom cam to make sure no “dirty business” was taking place. Watching the young boy drag another boy into the restroom, reaching in his backpack and grabbing the knife. The young boy repeatedly stabbed the other young boy in the chest thirteen times. You’ll see him throw the bleeding, dead body into one of the stalls, lock it, then crawl underneath it to look like someone is in use of it. When the principal saw this, he thought it was a prank. Until he went to make sure it was. Seeing the body laying in the stall with blood everywhere, he was in shock. Fortunately, the young stabber was caught on film and was revealed through the action. No names will be released for now, until further consent.

On another note, the principal is being charged for having cameras in the school restrooms. He says, “I just want to make sure my kids are okay and not making bad decisions. It’s not like I can see them in the stalls.” Action reporter says he was furious about, not just the murder, but the charges being filed on him.