Charleston woman wins $50 million lottery on ticket that was about to expire on May 7 of this year

Marlene Cromwell, a Charleston native had purchased a lottery ticket last year on May 5. Unbeknownst to her, up until Friday, she had not known that she had won the $50 million lottery. Cromwell told authorities that she found a ticket in her jewelry box and decided to check to see if it was a winner. She said when she checked on the Virginia lottery website and saw that she had won she did not believe it.

The ticket was purchased in Virginia last year on May 3 for the May 7 lottery drawing. Cromwell said she was in Virginia visiting her children and that’s when she purchased the ticket.

“I am so happy and it feels like a dream”, is what Cromwell told our reporter. When asked why she didn’t check to see if she had won prior to Friday, she said when she got back home to South Carolina she threw the ticket in her jewelry box. Then on Friday when she opened her jewelry box to retrieve some earrings she saw the ticket and decided to check on the Virginia website.

Virginia’s mega million lottery tickets are good for one year. Cromwell had four more days and the ticket would have expired. “A lesson to learn here is that if you buy lottery tickets make sure you check to see if you won” is what Cromwell said.