Charleston, West Virginia native Shawn Richardson is finally “liberated” according to an interview with Channel 8 News. After years of living a lie, Shawn admits it’s finally nice to be who he really is and waive the rainbow flag proudly at his Davis Creek residence. “It was so hard for so many years,” eludes Richardson. “From making up stories about all the woman I had been with to all of my sports accomplishments. I was trying to be this macho man the world wanted to see. I was living a lie! All I really wanted was a strong man in my life to hold me.” Being in an area with little social diversity has made it tough for Richardson to come out with the truth, but he couldn’t fight it anymore. “Now I’m not afraid to go to Nicholas Sparks movies, I can get my shirtless firefighter calendar out, I can just be Shawn,” says the once scared man. Nowadays you can catch Shawn at the local high school helping coach cheerleading. “I love being around the girls. Laughing and gossiping is all I wanted to do growing up. Playing football was so sweaty and gross; I never even liked it. My teammates were kind of cute though,” says Richardson is with a mischievous grin. Despite the state’s struggles, at least West Virginia has one shining star and that’s it’s very own Shawn Richardson. This is a joke and Shawn is not gay…. I think. Jk, buddy!
Davis Creek Resident Admits to Closet Homosexuality