Exira manhunt continues

On Tuesday April 25, 2017 a 19 year old Exira man named Drew Peppers was accused of 3rd degree Trespassing and 3 counts of beastality. A farmer noticed around the time of 9 pm that night Peppers is his field performing sexual intercourse with one of his pigmy goats. Other animals include a mintature Shetland pony and a llama. When the farmer approached Peppers, Peppers then fleed the scene to a nearby creek bed. Exira Police Department then issued a bench warrant for Peppers arrest, Police had made many attempts in contacting Peppers but to no avail, police are asking Exira residents to be in the watch for Peppers, He’s described as 5’10”, athletic build, dark brown hair and blue eyes. He’s usually seen driving a White chevy Malibu. This person in considered to be not sane and medium to low danger risk, please contact HPD with any information regarding Peppers whereabouts.

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