When 39 year old Neena Ross came home one evening she noticed these strange tracks outside her door, curious and a bit concerned she quickly ran inside where she then called the authorities. When authorities arrived they were astonished at what they saw. We talked to one of the local deputies outside of Ms Ross’s home a short while ago and according to the officer the tracks outside that she saw that evening were actually made by several ex friends and even some close family members who as it turns out were not solid had no loyalty merit or valor at all, and making matters worse they were all the lowest form of life as we know it…belly crawling snakes in the grass. Luckily Neena Ross knew exactly what to do, she sharpened those blades and put them straight to the grass. The result, ending with alot of dead snakes, rest assured she won’t be seeing anymore tracks outside her door again.
For Springfield woman Neena Ross turns out friends and some close family weren’t family or friends at all, instead venomous snakes