Former Archduke of Austria commits mass murder under new persona in San Bernardino

The Former Austrian Archduke moved to San Bernandino after having accidently nuked his country trying to buy himself a dildo. The loss of his dildo in the nuke caused him to feel depressed and leave his country in order to find a new life. He is now known as Fernando Sanchez and creeps in the alleys of Fontana, beating his meat with anything he finds. Eyewitness news report him following a trgonomic teacher known as Luis Farnsworth. Luis a formal inperial wizard from the kult known as KKMK(ku klux Math Klan) and boot shiner from the 3rd platton Delta Division that served in Vietnam recently gas went nkssing as of April 26 after Luis was done stroaking him math arm. Residents in the Fontucky area are advised to keep thier cheeks warm and tucked to their boosims and also to not agrovate Sanchez but to call him “weaboo trash”