Gay Gorilla

The Gay Gorilla

I was talking to my friend, Andre, he’s from Cincinnati. He was bragging about how great Cincinnati is, so I asked him what makes Cincinnati so great. He said Cincinnati is the Queen City, besides holding the first professional baseball game, it host the first professional baseball game each season. Then he started in on the Cincinnati zoo and how great it is and how it had one of the only Komodo dragons outside Komodo Island, thanks to Ronald Reagan. He said the only way to get a Komodo dragon was to have the Governor of the island present you with one and he made a gift of one to President Reagan who gave it to the Cincinnati Zoo because it they were one of the few places that had the facilities to keep it and care for it.
It’s also the place where the gorilla Harambe was shot when that 4yr old accidently go in his cage. He said that the reason they took so long in shooting Harambe is because the last male gorilla they had was gay. “Wha … ?? Man, you’re kidding me right?”

“Naw man,” he said, “look it up if you don’t believe me. Female gorillas would lay all out in front of him and he wouldn’t touch ‘em. Seems that his mother died when he was a baby and the female gorillas instead of adopting him, they beat him. I guess he said he didn’t want any more of that! So they tried everything to get him to mate and I guess nothing worked. That’s why they were so glad to get Harambe, and they didn’t want to kill him because they never know if the next one’ll be gay.
Well, I didn’t believe him so I tried to google It to see if I could find out anything about ‘gay gorilla’s’. I searched a long time but I couldn’t find anything except this one excerpt:
Two gay gentlemen were walking through a zoo. They came across the gorillas and after a while they noticed that the huge male gorilla had a massive erection. This fascinated the gay men so much they couldn’t take their eyes off of it. One of the men just couldn’t bear it any longer and he reached into the cage to touch it. The gorilla grabbed him, dragged him into the cage and screwed him for six hours non-stop. When he was done, the gorilla threw the gay man back out of the cage. An ambulance was called and the man was taken away to the hospital. The next day his friend visits him in the hospital and asked, “Are you hurt?” “AM I HURT?” he shouted, “Wouldn’t you be? That big ape hasn’t called, he hasn’t written…”
I realized this was a joke, because the gorilla new sign language and couldn’t call him on the phone! ☺