Georgia Woman Finally Outted As Unknown 250 Million Powerball Winner

LAGRANGE, Georgia.

The Georgia State Lottery Commission was finally able to confirm the hidden identity of one of the states largest Powerball winner, after the deadline was almost up for the winner to come forward and receive the money.

Ms. Robledo said she didn’t come forward to collect her winnings sooner, because she was afraid of having to fend off the extended family she never met, and the old friends who haven’t called in over 20 years, and, the various and sundry others that would come forward with their requests for some of her windfall.

She said she must be a very good actress, because she’s kept up the facade of being very poor over this last year, so as not to draw attention to herself. Now that she’s come out of the shadows to collect her winnings, (in a lump sum payout of 128 million after taxes), she will be planning an elaborate around the world trip. She wants to see how many people will believe she actually won, and yet will not ask for a dime from her. To those people she will instantly hand them a $3,000 bill.

Unfortunately there is no such thing as a $3,000 bill, and there was no Powerball lottery won by Ms. Robledo. You’ve just been pranked!