Gigantic snake found swimming in Platte River, NE

Locals are saying that there is a monstrous snake swimming in platte river located in Nebraska. News anchor Jim miles reported Sunday night that he was talking to a couple that was out hiking and taking in scenery. This is their story.
The couple was walking about to come across what look like a giant snake skin, As they were walking down the side of the lake area. Then them came across some unusual tracks. They called fish n game wild life to alert them of their finding and the man had told them that they weren’t the only couple to report such findings. The man from fish/game said that they should probably move out of said area and leave the work to them and be careful of their surroundings. As the couple was about to leave the heard quite the ruckus going on about 20feet ahead of them so they went to see what it was an they came a up on a huge snake about 20ft long eating what looked like a small deer. They slowly started back from where the came from and practically ran to the vehicle. Never to return to the lake again. News reporter Jim miles got in contact with fish/game, and they have reported they can not find this said snake but are still searching for it. And has noticed a decrease in animal population around the lake. Fish n game is warn By anyone to stay clear of the lake. And to be very very cautious when out there.

Lol. Can’t believe you read this entire story, hope it was good 😊 thought i would try this.. thank you thank you !!