Granny Raped and Sodomized Found alive in Bush

A Granny who is said to be of unsound mind was today found in a clump of bush not far from the kitty police outpost naked with blood oozing from her anal, she is rumored to be in her late 40’s, clad only in a Victoria secret underwear.

She was found in an unconscious position by passer by who noticed her cloths not far from the scene, her body bore no marks of violence and its not clear why she was rape and dump there.

A family member who came on the scene shortly has told reporters that her aunt who is a said to be a heavy drinker and hooker, as always find her self in these situation, the family member lament ” this is not the only time, only last month we had to rush her to the ER, she is a reckless case”, the mother of ten who also is a granny of 20, was taken to the GPHC for emergency treatment.

It is unclear weather she would live after facing that ordeal of rape and sodomy. A nearby camera was being viewed by the police which saw a man running away from the scene, police are still trying to determine the images on the screen.

Reporters were told the images look like a government official( name given), who is said to be a frequent visitor to the hookers hostel and that particular woman identified.

More update when we get the names of the woman found rape in the bushes.

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