Alex Jones has been fighting the fight against globalism since he started radio in 1994. Of the many highlights of his career…Jones says facilitating a connection between a lone-wolf conservative trapped in Socialist Quebec and a Red State-Nebraska man his proudest moment. And he used his resources at the CIA to make it happen.
“I had a source infiltrate the dating website world to set up a hub to connect like-minded conservatives, ” Jones explained. “It was a long process; we had to be patient. But the Rothchilds and Rockefellers were and are patient too with their vision of a global takeover.”
After three years of waiting, the long-time talk show host’s efforts paid off.
“We were monitoring the communications back and forth from various members of the website, and we concluded that Veronique Zanella (Quebec), and Matt Hagemeier (Nebraska) should be matched together based on the communication algorithms my source at the CIA deciphered,”Jones explained.
“So we had an agent set up a ghost profile to manipulate Mr. Hagemeier to return to the website, then we used a complex algorithm to make sure he saw Ms. Zanella’s beautiful picture and would add her. Fortunately, Ms. Zanella was intrigued with Mr. Hagemeier and they started the connection.
The connection was part of a black ops program started by associates of, in cooperation with the John Birch Society and the Sons of Liberty movement. Jones explained the program was set up to combat George Soros and his influences over the media and University system in the US.
“We were looking for good communicators. We wanted to pair up a good conservative broadcaster with a lady whose family is trying to wake up citizens from their socialist slumber. With Mr. Hagemeier and Ms Zanella, we feel we have found our match,” Jones said.
The host says he admits he went too far and may have violated the privacy of the two patriots.
“I admit that I was able to monitor their e-mail communication over the last year, and that couple is so damn cute, it makes me want to cry and laugh of happiness. They may be the cheesiest couple I have ever seen, ” Jones said.
The international couple just recently celebrated their one-year anniversary.