Iowa City police on the lookout for “King Pin” in University of Iowa’s Sushi Scandal

Tips keep rolling in and Iowa City police are close to identifying the U of I woman whos been running an illegal gambling ring. The twist here is, she’s using sushi, instead of money, to bet. IC police are working with U of I campus police as they do believe she is a student. She was last spotted leaving Sushi Kitchen in the 200 block of South Clinton St. Eyewitness’s say she had soy sauce stains on her sweatshirt, and some rice in her hair. Police have released this photo in hopes of the community helping out. Iowa City police have issued this warning: “Do not approach this suspect. She is considered dangerous. Especially when protecting whole sushi rolls. Keep hands away from her mouth. If you see her with sushi in one hand, and a gallon of milk in the other, call 911 immediately and RUN!!!!