Is Adam Levine Dating….a Teenager??

The internet runs to Twitter after text messages were leaked from 38 year old singer, Adam Levine and 19 year old, Gigi Camp. The messages seem to almost confirm that they are in fact seeing each other, but what does that mean for his wife and 7 month year old daughter?
After a close friend of Levine released the screenshots of the messages, Twitter was on fire. Some supported the relationship, and others were in disgust not only because Levine is married, but because he has an outside relationship with a 19 year old girl. After a long fight through social media, the two made their appearance on the platform and admitted to seeing each other. No other statements have been made by the two lovebirds as they need time to “process” being exposed. We don’t know what’s in store for the two of them as of now, but Twitter does not seem happy.
Leave a comment telling us what you think about this scandal. You can catch up on the drama by following their social media linked down below. This is Anya, Channel 23 news.

Adam Levine @adamlevine
Gigi Camp @gigi_weegie