Jersey City Democrat supports Trump

This poor fool of a man is now supporting President elected Trump. He was shown the light by his palomo Jersey City Sargent friend, Alex Rivera.
Sargent Rivera open Gutierrez eyes about following a leader that is a great tactician at lying and making himself look like a clown. Someone who has gained the respect an approval of the entire world.
Yes Mr. Gutierrez a once Democrstic liberal has realized the Bernie, that Socialist, I want everything for free fool, and Hilary, with all major companies aiding her, are nothing but foolish dreamers. The only way to make America great again is to allow a spoil brat, egotistic, billionaire clown to rule from the White House, while he plays golf most of the time and get all his world information from Fox.
Mr. GutiΓ©rrez is a reborn Republican, and he has Jersey City’s Sargent Alex Rivera to thank for. Together they will make America great with our clown prince of the White House Dictator Trump.