Kaiser High School Prom King accused of being a GANG MEMBER

Allegations accusing Kaiser High School’s Class of 2017 Prom King, Renee Marquez, fluttered all over social media platforms as pictures surfaced showing Marquez in a bad light. Marquez has gone on record as to saying that the person in the photograph is not him and denies any criminal activities. Channel 23 was able to get an exclusive comment from Mr. Marquez’s ex boyfriend. The unnamed man states; “Renee would never do such a thing. He’s always been so kind and there’s no way he would do such a thing. He’s faithful and would never hurt anyone.”
Marquez ended the relationship with his ex after news that Marquez was seeing other people. Further accusations against Marquez may hint that he was intoxicated or high during the taking of the pictures. Since these new accusations Renee has denied every doing drugs. The school is considered renouncing his royal title but further investigation is needed.