The hunt is still on for 17 year old brianna havens. Last Tuesday, a call came in from a frantic voice over the phone saying that she had taken herself from her family. The family believes she is just crazy and misses her. She was diagnosed with manic bipolar disorder which quickly turned into schizophrenia. Her mother said she was talking to herself, repeatedly saying “I know you ate my baseball” through the mirror.
Witnesses saw her wearing what was seen as a “disguise” in overalls and flip flops, pushing a stroller with a baby doll. Tuesday night she attacked a pole and eventually disabled it. The pole now stays in the critical care unit, breathing from a tube. This woman is dangerous, and if you see her, the way to keep her away from you safely is to put on a sombrero and dance like a monkey. She will feel intimidated and slowly go away from you. Call your local enforcements so she can be brought to the loony bin. All people in the streets beware of this beast roming the streets. No pole is safe! Updates will come to you here.
Local crazy girl called the cops on herself, for kidnapping herself.