Local Hanover man involved in the Arron Hernandez case.

Early Thursday morning John Jacobs a Bristol County correctional officer was in the cell of inmate Arron Hernandez when he stumbled onto one more letter that was written by inmate Hernandez. This letter was found in the anal cavity of Hernandez’s cell mate Peter Gozinya. The letter was also written to another male that Hernandez was in love with. The letter was addressed to a Hanover Pennsylvania native and current resident by the name of Tyler Scott Yohe. The letter detailed the love that Hernandez had for Yohe and went into grave detail about all the fun times that they shared together before Hernandez’s time of incarceration. Yohe’s lawyer Thomas Brenner has yet to make a statement on Yohe’s behalf. Although there has been many statements from Yohe’s friends and family. One friend said and quote “It doesn’t suprise me”. A family member quoted “Doesnt suprise me we all knew Tyler was into that kind of stuff”. Also another close friend was quoted saying “I can’t believe this nigga is gay, we had sleepovers”. At this time the Bristol County Correctional facility is continuing to investigate what was really going on between Hernandez and Yohe. Further statements will be released.