Local Man Recieves Life In Prison For Domestic Violence on Third Wife

Daniel Quezada Romo has been tried and convicted of domestic violence for the fifth time. Reporters said he had a feud with his third wife, Rosa Guadalupe María Lopez de Ramirez, on who’s going to watch what on their television. His 7th son, Dominic José, told local news that his father wanted to watch a minor league soccer mom, while his mother wanted to watch the season finale of her, “novela” when Daniel just snapped and gave his wife 3 broken ribs. She went to a neighbors and told them the incident where they proceeded to call authorities. This isn’t Daniels first offense, he has been sentenced jail time for domestic violence twice with his first wife, and twice with his second, this time however, he’s put away where he will ensue “domestic violence” on his inmates. 5th times the charm.