Local Nazi Party Association Leader Retiring Soon

The Montgomery County Nazi Association have recently announced that their President, Diana McClain-Stowe, will be stepping down. She had originally joined the organization in 1987, following the birth of her oldest son, Brian. “I only want what is best for my baby, so that is why I decided to join. I need to protect him,” said McClain-Stowe in 1988. Diana has slowly worked her way up the ladder, eventually earning the role of president in 1990. However, she came under fire when she had her second daughter, Brittnee. Primarily because she was mixed with white and African American and the other Nazis did not support. However, Mcclain-Stowe pitched her case, explaining how she was color blind and she didn’t not know that her child was mixed. She would eventually use this case two more times after giving birth to two more mixed babies, Jalen and Xavier. However, Diana McClain-Stowe just doesn’t have the time for the association anymore. “I put my heart into it. I truly did. But I just think it is time for somebody else with more energy and passion to take over this honorable position,” explained Diana. Elections for president and other officers will be held on August 22, 2017 at their secret location (The Public Library at 6:37 pm on Tuesday nights). If you have any questions, feel free to contact Shirley Hiter, current secretary, at (931)624-1099.