Male from Pulaski Virgina aressted for sexual assault and battery against a group of people after hours in a Buffalo Wild Wings parking lot in Blacksburg Virginia.

25 year old, Tyler Gworek was charged with sexual asault and battery after attacking a group of men and women in a Buffalo Wild Wings parking lot around 12:30am or 1:00am on April, 28, 2017. The victims claimed Tyler Gworek appeared to be heavily under the influence on drugs. The victims also claimed Tyler’s first intentions were to sale them the drugs but they didn’t accept his offer. The drugs Tyler was wanting to sale to the group and appeard to have been using himself was a mixture of different Narcotics, hallucinogens, prescription meditations, and other controlled substances laced over and disguised as cannabis. Tyler told the group it was a new strain of marijuana that went by the name “Tee phuckin buk loo loo.” After they didnt accept it Tyler Gworek started to throw condoms at them that were tied off and full of milk. After they came torwards him, Tyler sexually assaulted them all and beat them violently until the cops arrived.