Man hunt for Fonzie imperosnator…

Authorities are searching for one Evan Hinkle. This man truly believes he is the Fonzie of our generation.(he does have great hair) This is not his crime but believed to have led up to our current situation. Mr. Hinkle tried doing things the right way. He was working two jobs to afford all of his hair care products, but it was never enough. His addiction grew stronger and stronger by day. Until he could no longer afford his habbit. So Mr. Hinkle began robbing local Walmarts and drug stores of their hair care products. Even that wasn’t enough. He is now working his way down the east coast in a stolen semi hitting every store he can along the way. We need your help murrica! If this man is seen he is not to be approached. As he is considered to be combed and dangerous. Please contact the authorities immediately.