Murder Maiden Bassist Revealed to be Founder of One Man Nazi Black Metal Band

Winston Salem Horror Metal band Murder Maiden is known for bringing your nightmares to life. If one of your nightmares involves a white supremacist, then they are delivering on that promise. Upon hearing of their upcoming show with The Cosmic Groove at the Test Pattern bar in Winston Salem NC, Channel 23 News requested an interview with Bloodstain, the bassist of Murder Maiden, to learn more about what all the buzz is about. We sent out our Chief Editor Moo Cow to meet the bizarre musician at his humble abode. When he arrived at the Bloodstain residence, something was amiss. Nazi flags were decorated all over the front porch and what seemed to resemble an Anne Frank biography was mostly in ashes. Bloodstain quickly answered the door and admitted to being a National Socialist, whom also writes NSBM for his One Man Band Xyor. Moo Cow, obviously shell-shocked with such a bombarding revelation, tried to inquire about the reasoning for his white supremacist philosophies, to which the bassist replied with “THERE’S A FUCKING SCIENCE BEHIND WHAT THE FUCK I’M DOING!” We reached out to Murder Maiden, but have yet to hear a response from them on this issue. I’m sure when they said they wanted to bring your nightmares to life, this wasn’t what they meant. This is Cody Wilson and you’re way more gullible than I thought if you believed what I wrote.