Naparima College student caught masturbating during CAPE examinations

Ashaish Mohammed and his accomplice Arun Maharaj were caught committing acts of self pleasure last Thursday during a CAPE Caribbean Studies examination. Upon interview with the masturbators they claimed “CAPE feel they could penetrate my buttom without repercussions” stated the first in S.E.A bravado, “My lolo have to get a lil pleasure too”. Arun Maharaj stated that he ejaculated onto the test paper as a form of protest to display that vegan men break is indeed healthier than meat eater break. Eyewitness reports state that there was heavy vibrations coming from the corner where they sat as well as high pitched noises. A student who choose to withhold his identity claimed that he saw a penis with a tattoo with the words “First in SEA” land on the desk and is now in rehab. A statement was released from Dev Gosine stating that Spanish hoe is indeed better than Indian hoe as well as rum scientifically proven to be healthier than water. Arun Maharaj may be facing a 20 year prison sentence due to him being homosexual and vegan. Ashaish Mohammed on the other hand has been saved by Dr the honourable Fayad Ali due to him spending one on one time with Ashaish after maths class.