Naparima College student discovers that vape liquid can cure cancer

Vape liquid has been known to possess mystical properties which were unknown to modern science until now. An upper six student of Naparima college by the name of Varun Bharrathsingh has made a groundbreaking discovery which may change mankind forever. He has discovered that when you take vape liquid and combine it with skin cells from umraw eye sags it creates a complex which rapidly destroys all cancer cells in the body. This cure has absolutely no side effects however there is a limitation, in order for it to work it must be injected directly into the penis otherwise it may cause liver failure, stroke, gayness or lifelong shittings. You feminists may be infuriated that females cannot use this cure however females indeed can. The simple solution is to take a reverse jowelle surgery, take the cure, then take a jowelle surgery to revert to a female state again. In an executive interview with Varun Bharrathsingh he states that, “I noticed that umraw eyes does blink at exactly 240hz which is a good frequency to cure cancer and if I combine it with gods gift to earth(vape liquid) it hadda cure cancer”. He also said, “My original intentions were to create a formula to make woman calm the fuck down with them kuchur but it happened to cure cancer instead so I deciding to turn empire into a pharmacy now”. Varun Bharrathsingh is an example of what we need more of in this earth, we need true innovators like him.