New London Coyote strikes fear into residents once again

Early last night multiple reports came in once again of the elusive coyote from New London. This time the coyote was spotted in the south end of Waterford which leaves many waterford residents in fear for their very life. One resident described her sighting of the coyote stating “I just got home from picking up my prescriptions when I noticed this dog like creature walking across the road that appeared to be up to no good. It stared at me like some sort of animal and then walked off.” While some are shocked by the sightings others report this is not a new sight in Waterford claiming that they have been overpopulated in the area for some time. Our eyewitness replied back “I’ve lived here for years and have never seen one. I don’t do well with change and feel that the new Aldi’s opening here might have attracted the coyote to the area as well as the NLPD failing to do their jobs by not patrolling the streets and removing animals that might make me feel uncomfortable in Waterford!” Channel 23 reporters tried to find the coyote in question, however, could not be reached for comment.