NJ Rapper Charged With Assault On Multiple Police

Troy Edmondson also known by his rap name, Rachet Rab was charged With aggravated assault on 3 Burlington City police officers at Approximately 12:56 am April 27. Witnesses say the altercation occured at the Playhouse gentleman’s club when Mr. Edmondson who witnesses say was highly intoxicated at the time began to become very aggressive and disruptive. When asked to leave the premises Edmondson refused and said quote “B**** a** n***** got me f***** up I ain’t going no where”.

At that time Burlington City officers responded to the scene where they observed the defended acting in a very aggressive manner. When officers asked Edmondson to leave he refused. At this time officers thought it was necessary to take force, which was a bad ideal. Edmondson began assaulting multiple officers which left multiple officers with broken bones including nose, jaw, eye socket cheek bone etc. Edmondson was lodged into the Burlington county jail where he is awaiting bail arrangements in 48 hours. SIKE!!! #FreeDaReal

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