Oakview apartments Millville nj was asked to be on gangland

Oakview apartments also known as wadeeast or the east is coming to a end soon, Millville nj mayor Michael Santiago said these apartment complexes are to tragic and dangerous. Gang members took over they won’t even listen to ms. Gernelle, some people won’t even pay rent when it’s only 100$. Almost ever other day there’s a shooting or fighting out there. Some people that live in the residents won’t even take there trash out. Words of Michael Santiago the mayor of Millville “almost everyday you here something about wadeeast, all I can think is it’s not even the summer yet” there’s 2 specific gangs out there that’s uncontroallabe. Gangland wants to do to footage out there and talk to some of them but when we went ask them would they participate the little kids start throwing rocks and told us to fuck off. This madness haves to be stop in other words, if you not from there or not cool with nobody from there please I beg you stay away from there it’s only going to get worse