OMG 175 Gold & Silver Bars Found in beat up trunk and local couple becomes BILLIONAIRES!

Lady who wishes to be anonymous will soon find out if she has hit the jackpot! On Sunday afternoon after having dinner with her sister, she decided to take a ride to the flea market where she will soon discover an old trunk sitting in the grassy ditch. She said she was curious because it was sitting there glowing in the Sun and yet she was also skeptical about approaching it but she did. What she found was over 175 gold and silver bars glowing at her and all she could do was scream! People who were at the Flea Market came to see what she was screaming about and someone called the owner of the flea market to assist her, they actually thought she was crazy.

Little did they know that she was screaming for a great golden reason. When the owner of the flea market arrived she was sitting on top of the beat up junky looking trunk and asked him if he was the owner of the trunk and he stated no, never saw it before, she then asked others who were surrounding her and they also said no, so she called her husband who was also at the flea market walking around and she told him to come quickly, right now and he said, what’s wrong and she starting screaming again until he arrived. She did not want the flea marketers to know what was in the trunks so she told her husband to hurry and help her put the trunk in their car.

The owner being curious, asked her what was in the trunk and she told him nothing that concerns you and they took off to the sheriff’s office where they were told that since nobody claimed it at the flea market and the owner did not claim it, it was all theirs. WOW! The Sheriff office also stated that the trunk evidentially had been sitting there for many years and nobody sought after it and since they had no reports of any gold bars stolen or lost, this couple had the right to keep it. To be certain that the deputy was telling them the right thing he called his supervisor who said “Finder Keepers” just make sure to donate to a good cause.
Well folks, this lady and her husband who wish to be anonymous will be living the good life for sure! Mrs. Anonymous, also stated that today she went to hear her mother speak at church, a church she had not attended in months and today she became a Billionaire!

One of the questions we asked her was, what is she going to do now, her response was to take a world trip giving money to the homeless shelters, making sure their children and their children’s children were taken care of for the rest of their lives, giving some away to those in need in her family and others who they don’t know who are homeless.

It was estimated that these bars go back to the early 1700’s and are worth over $20 Billion Dollars on today’s market, each bar weighing in at 27lbs and stamped with 400 oz., this couple has enough Gold to last their grandchildren’s great grandchildren. Spend it wisely Mr. & Mrs. T. By the way that’s just the Gold Bars! Mr. & Mrs. T have yet to tell their family as we speak, news flies quickly I warned them.
From all of at News 23, we say Congrats on your new found riches! (see pic of gold bars) the trunk actually broke inside the car so they transfer some of the bars in a safe. Talk about a Sunday Blessing!
The new billionaire couple from SC did not want to state what town they were from but were willing to speak with us.