PNM Revokes Property Tax

At 10:00 AM this morning, after a lengthy debate in Parliament, the Prime Minister of Trinidad & Tobago delivered his final verdict on the Taxation of Properties Act.

“It is a far, far better thing that I do,” said Mr. Rowley, amidst his peers in Government, as well as a rather downtrodden Opposition party, “…than I have ever done.” When the rather unexpected words were finally uttered though, the sudden decision to revoke Property Tax was met with overwhelming Opposition and public approval.

“I can’t believe it!” said Ram Narine, a public servant outside the Parliamentary building today. Another passerby was angry at the decision saying, “I sell my house yesterday, and going to Florida this weekend. Them is some rell set up men!” However, Opposition leader the honorable Kamla Persad-Bissesar, hailed the decision as “best for the people.”

“It is a far, far better rest that I go to,” added Dr. Rowley, “than I have ever known.” The Prime Minister heads to Hawaii tomorrow to see doctors about an ongoing obdormition problem.