River Sharks on the Rise

Freshwater fishing has always been a favorite past time of every avid outdoorsman. But lately the rise in abundance of the North American River Shark has been steadily increasing. National Parks and Recreation personnel reported in 2016 that the species had almost quadrupled it’s numbers in the Southeast region of the United States.
River Sharks are predominantly found in rivers, creeks and streams and sometimes manage to transfer into localized ponds or lakes if there is a valid entry. They are a mid level swimmers which means they seldom surface but on occasion will do so in search of food if only none can be found in deeper waters. They sometimes grow to an amazing length of 7-8 feet in length and can reach an astonishing 650-900 pounds which is a miraculous fear considering their environment.
National Parks and Recreation advises people to stay away from these areas and do not wade in water deeper than your ankles. River Sharks are amazing creatures and deserve to make the comeback they are in the process of doing.