St. Augustine Woman Saved By Cherished Pet

A St. Augustine woman, Amanda, says she was saved by her cat, Princess, when she found herself stuck in a split position on the living room floor of her home and her cell phone, just out of reach, on the coffee table. She almost lost hope of being rescued any time soon until her beloved pet, a long hair, fluffy kitty,appropriately named Princess, came to her aid and just in the nick of time because a charlie horse was creeping up in the left butt cheek she says. Princess immediately leaped on to the table and pawed the phone right into Amanda’s waiting hands so she could now call her neighbor Barb to come help her up before it was to late to stop the charlie horse from becoming a big pain in the ass. Some advice from Amanda “Don’t do splits at home alone, especially without your phone and be good to your furbabies they might just save your life one day.” Great advice Amanda, great advice.