St. Louis Man To Be Mentioned In Obama Memoir

Aides to former President Barack Obama released a list of people to be recognized in the upcoming tell all book covering the Obama years in the White House. These are people that served behind the scenes to promote and defend the Obama administration on several social media sites including Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. These people, while not well known by some, were an integral part of the Obama PR team, and were all working on a volunteer basis.
Included in the list is a man from the St. Louis area who, according to President Obama and staffers alike, spent hours upon hours researching and posting facts and informative links concerning many topics. Jerry Boyer, 48 originally hails from Festus, Mo, but has spent the last 15 years in St. Louis working as an engineer in the hospitality industry. A lifelong Democrat, Boyer worked tirelessly to debunk the misinformation and fake news that haunted the Obama administration from day one through the last day of his tenure.
“I knew that the administration was familiar with my name, but I never expected anything of this magnitude” said Boyer, “It was always a joy to defend President Obama.”
There is no release date for the book at this time.