We reported a rather odd story yesterday of a Queensbury native (Julia Baird, 20) stealing trees to use for a pentagram shaped tree garden, well now the trees that have been stolen reappeared throughout the night as many victims have claimed.
“I woke up this morning, and realized my three crab apple trees that had been stolen had reappeared, and were planted in a triangle formation in my front yard”, the anonymous woman who filed the report yesterday said. “I told called Warren County and told them about it this morning” she added. Upon arriving at Baird’s residence in Queensbury law enforcement officials reported the stolen trees in the same pentagram formation, and in the very middle was a copper bowl with filled with goats blood. Julia Baird still has no been located, and she is especially dangerous now. “We are thinking that she fled town after buying her victims new trees,” Queensbury Town officials concluded at a press conference this morning. “We think she felt bad and decided to repay her victims. Each person had three trees stolen, most of them were dug up. Each person now has three trees in a triangle somewhere in their yard now, which we think is her way of making a mark on their lives”. Baird is suspected in be in Pennsylvania, Vermont, or possibly Massachusetts. Please call Warren County Sheriffs Office if you have any information on her whereabouts
Stolen trees begin reappearing