Tanisha Sanders Getting Married To Known Billionaire TV Producer

Tanisha Sanders age 39 years old is getting Married Monday to very know Billionaire. Sanders has been secretly dating Known Billionaire for a little over a year. Billionaire who do want to release his name says Sanders Is the Love of his life and he feels he made the right decision. He also said she tickles his balls of joy! And she is a freak and threatened if someone try to take his sweet butter away, they going to see what the other side of life look like. Some didn’t take threat to lightly And feel like a investigation should start and Billionaire should be arrested for a threat to society. News 23 tried to interview Sanders, but Sanders refused and said if you fuck with my man I’m going to release the tape of 5 corruptive Top officials now cash me out side howbow tha!! For more information look up www.channel23.com