Texas mother hits the lottery For 100 million dollars

Texas authorities had a powerball of one hundred million dollars, at first we didn’t have anyone to claim the winnings, and right when we thought no one was going to claim the money the winner Latanya Nicholson walked in with her winning ticket. This can’t be real is what the 34 year old mother of two days!! When asked “now that you never have to worry about money again what are you going to do with your money? ” The mother replies ” put my kids college funds up, buy us a big house, get my dream car, buy a couple of homes and apartments to rent out, along with starting my own buisness. The most important thing I will like to do Latanya says is to buy enormous amounts of land to grow my own food for my own people ,and help the homeless build homes for the homless. Latanya will be granted her winnings later today. Congratulations to our winner!!