The Murder of Behonsay Williams

On Saturday morning around 11:30 a.m. Behonsay Williams was last seen sitting on her front pouch when a light blue rusty old truck pulled up asking for directions when she was snatched from her yard and the man drove off with her. Around 1:30 the mother of behonsay realized that she wasn’t in the front yard anymore so she called police and an Amber Alert was made for her disapperance. Days go by and behonsay still has not been found police are wondering maybe a close friend that knew behonsay had snatched her and drove away, But no one that we knew that was related to her was the one right person. 5 weeks later on Wednesday afternoon a couple were walking there dog saw a foot sticking out from behind a tree and they realized it was a small teen, as soon as they realized they called 911, and the small teen was taken in for an autopsy, days go by before police could identify the girl, Behonsay’s mother and friends were shocked and were waiting to know if the small child was her or not. 4 days later, Columbia Police come to the mother of behonsay to her home, and he said we have identify who the small teen was and it was the missing teen of Behonsay Williams who was last seen in her front yard has been idenifed the graphic details were detailed of behonsay was snatched by an unknown man and was strangled to death and left in the woods.

We will keep family and friends updated with any more information on the unknown man Who Murdered Behonsay Williams….
Justice Will Be Served for Behonsay Williams.