Trump administration to re-instate slavery, government sponsored indentured servitude program, or GSISP due to roll out next month!

Those that opt-in into Governement indentured servitude program will receive a free luxury car, housing, along with an adoptive Caucasian affluent family. Participating African American families would receive waivers from schooling, and completion certificates (to supplement school equivalency) as well as server placement training. Spicer was quoted as saying this is “an effective stop-gap to the unemployment problems plaguing Chicago and several inner cities”. First offices will start giving the vouchers along with friend chicken and the sneakers of your choice, starting June 3rd, in New York, Chicago, Houston. Officials don’t expect much push back from the roll out, and note that despite some hurt feelings that they will be forgiven for any perceived offense.

Markets react positively, Preubus was overheard saying “this would help the economy and make US labor competitive with the rest of the world”.