Two man were Shot for Stealing Betelnut

Good morning from the V6AI Radio, on top of our local news today is about marketing and the Drought were up against, not so long ago two men Were shot from the Municipality Of Maap, for Stealing betelnut this two Young men cant be Reveal due to ongoing investigation. This two men were Stealing betelnut from their Uncles land, one of them got shot on the buttocks and th other one got shot by the ear, good thing ” Rib Wagay ea Aim ” so to all the Kilo masters out there, ” STEAL Carefully ” Dont get Caught & Stay Hydrated, we want to inform the public to watch out for Fires, because of this Drought its highly possible that fires will start on their own, due to debris all over the Island! So Stay tune for more information, prayers will be Good for the two Injured men on bed rest! Thank you all & Kamagar