Warren man hits big in Lottery.but cant claim prize.over 20 million

A Warren man hit the lottery ..at a parkman road location ..but unable to claim prize. Due to the fact he gave his number one trusted brother Mike Glenn….the ticket to hold.what happened next baffled even the weakest minds on Crimal Minds. The only the eye witness Tomas Foolery said he saw mike leap from a moving car .while being chased by 20 puppies..from the Warren P.D…and while running away a passing car was playing Thiller by.M.J. he broke into dance and was caught while moonwalking..the ticket was in his pants pocket which were ripped and torn into streds by the police dogs..then the licked mike to submission…Big Jeff was last seen cying then laughing then crying again while loading his 900mm..tank …parked at walmart