When you go to in and out and can’t get out….

A Thursday night out for Alex Bernstien for some burgers at a In and Out quickly turned into a nightmare. Alex ordered his usual order of 8 double cheese burgers with extra extra extra extra extra pickles, a large fry, a large onion ring and a diet coke. As he sat down with a his meal equivalent of feeding a small village and feasted like a lion on a gazelle he got a call. As he went to step outside the establishment to take the call Alex Bernstein got stuck in the doorway!!!! As he panicked trying to escape he felt like a wounded cage animal. It took 30 sticks of butter and 4 buckets of grease and the help of the local fire department but eventually to free him. After he was freed we asked him what was going through his mind. “Well I was more nervous that my food was going to get cold. But yo June 24th it’s going down at the 40/40 club come to my sneaker party.”