Today, in a unprecedented move, both the SPLC and ADL asked for pity and leniency from White lives matter activists.. claiming that we are becoming to harsh and large for them to control.
Morrison Dees was caught on camera begging John Jerimiah, one of the leading White Activists in America, to please allow him to wash his underwear and mow the lawn.
Jerimiah had this to say.
“The days of looking at your putrid face are over. When youre done mowing the grass, I want you to tie these pork chops around your neck and go out and crawl with the dogs where you belong.”
SPLC and ADL have sworn to admit the true pieces of shit they are in all platforms they are respected in… which is about a total of two.

White Lives Matter grows by the second. The massive amount of growth coming from the constant awakening and barrage of White Activism being poured out fom activists across the country, such as Shawn Mann and his crew in Florida. Last night they were applauded by Bradenton Police for hanging a FUCK ANTIFA BANNER 40 ft. in the air off a building directly next to a Black cesspool strip club. The police were given flyers by the group and asked for their autographs and photos to place on their refrigerators and at the police station to promote and awaken more in their force.
In other places, groups like the Aryan Renaissance Society lead the way, lead by such members as Ken Reed, HS Lacy, Doug Chism, and Todd Biro, just to name a few. When asked for comment on the SPLC and ADL, Doug Chism had this to say.
” We’ve been protesting these pussies for years, it’s no surprise they finally admit their true cowardice”
The amount of White Pride groups in the United States is tremendous and exploding. There are to many to name, and the amount of activism being displayed grows by the second.

Stay tuned for more news coming and a video of Morris Dees playing with the doggies.. seems he was in heat because a couple of dogs rode him quite HARD, for lack of a better word..